Also stated in code, either as “Let’s Go Brandon” or “FJB”, this outpouring of emotion over the national destruction the White House resident is causing is popping up everywhere, in the tradition of the ubiquitous “FBHO” … seen during Barry’s similar reign of errors. It is quite funny that a reporter at a race had to claim the crowd chanting “fuck joe biden” was really saying “let’s go brandon” in the background as she interviewed the driver. Did she really think anyone would buy that, as the real chant could easily be heard, as it is heard at football games and other events all over the nation? Even on Southwest Airlines flights!
What is also funny is the pearl clutching by liberals over the chant, as if such disrespect to a president is a novel and unacceptable practice. Really? The media and elected Democrats have been telling us for over four years that this type of dissent and “resistance” is (and I quote) “the highest form of patriotism, bravery, and defense of democracy.”
The AP (associated press) finally discovered what the Brandon chant meant 4 weeks in, reporting it yesterday after being clueless for an entire month! Link to AP.
Coming some, great tshirts and retail merch you can sport to announce how you feel about Dementia Joe, etc.
stay tuned…
Oh, and by the way, Pretends-ident Biden’s approval numbers continue to crater, as reported by USA Today: “A year before the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans hold a clear lead on the congressional ballot as Joe Biden’s approval rating sinks to a new low of 38%. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, taken Wednesday through Friday, found that Biden’s support cratered among the independent voters who delivered his margin of victory over President Donald Trump one year ago.”